A committed non-white feminist and a cultural studies scholar, I am interested in the connections between culture and power and this constitutes the main focus of my research and intellectual endeavours. I teach at the English Department of the University of Lausanne.

I am a junior lecturer at the English Department of the University of Lausanne, where I teach US and Caribbean literature in English and New American Studies.

My work belongs within the fields of cultural and media studies from critical approaches that recentre power and justice. Empirically, it has mostly focused on Colombia and aims at showing how mass media has helped maintain hegemony over stark imbalances of power along the axes of gender, race, and social class, and justify regimes of rule by a privileged few.

Theoretically, it has aimed at connecting Northern feminist theories, cultural studies, and postcolonial studies with critical thought on gender, race, and coloniality as developed from within Latin America.